Energy Healing

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Healing with Subtle Esoteric Energies

There are many subtle healing energies available from around the world. These energies work on many levels depending on the energy used, the issues that one wants to work on, and one's own inner guidance. The energy systems presented here work on the Physical, Emotional, Mental, as well as Spiritual planes.

While all subtle energies are available to everyone there are some energies that require initiations or attunements to use. Everyone can bring in energy from the earth, spirit, and the stars without any special training but it is best to only use spontaneous energies that come in naturally to ensure that that no astral energy has entered into the physical plane. When there is no astral energy, then one comes from a place of "love-wisdom" or second-ray love. This requires no initiations or attunements, only a clear heart with the highest of integrity and intentions.

In 2020 Source gifted Dr. Beverly (Dancing Bear) the Diamond Source Light Energy System. This sys is crystelling light and require no initiation. A web site is available that explains how to use this system as well as a Medical Qi Gong demonstration of how to do a clearing with the energy system.

Below are some of the many energy systems that are available for us to use for healing ourselves and others. They all require an initiation, attunement, or shakti to use. Some, such as Reiki, are enhanced with the use of symbols. To find out more about each energy simply click on the name:

Green Goddess Energy - A type of healing energy brought to us by Heriat, the Green Goddess that is attuned for today's life.

Tibetan Energy - An ancient Tibetan energy system. The TIbetan energy system is a complete energy system based on Tibetan energies that heal at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. These energies can also be programmed for specific tasks, can be used to align, balance, and harmonize the chakras, align the meridians, and to remove body armor. This system is a very high vibrational system.

Ankh of Isis - Egyptian Energy System from Isis

Huna - A soothing and powerful healing energy from Hawaii

Reiki - The is a popular and well known energy system for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. It is also considered the lowest level of esoteric energy systems.

Would You Like to Learn Any of the Above Energy Systems?

Simply use the Contact Us to request the class or for more information.

Dr. Beverly Lawrence

The Founder of the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy & The Dancing Bear Healing Center, Dr. Beverly, has extensive training and decades of experience in various spiritual & holistic therapeutic fields. She has been training students in the area of meditation, spiritual development, and living holistically for over 30 years. She also was a Teaching Assistant for over 5 years at a Naturopathic Medical School. Her acupuncture practice moved from Chandler to Cottonwood, Arizona as a result of the events of 2020. It was in 2020 that she took her training online as a holistic medical intuitive to bring her expertise to as many people possible on global scale. To learn more about Dr. Beverly please visit her home page at Dr. Beverly Home Page

Weekly Podcast & Summits

Dr. Beverly hosts a weekly podcast (YouTube, SimpleCast, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and more channels being added) every Monday at 11 AM MST-Arizona. This podcast is sometimes a talk by Dr. Beverly, or it is interviews of other Holistic Professionals & Coaches. Every Thursday at 5pm (MST-Arizona) Dr. Beverly leads a guided meditation live on the YouTube channel, broadcast later on the audio channels. On Thursdays Dr. Beverly leads a support group for people taking the Free OM for Success program..

Twice a year Dr. Beverly hosts a Holistic Transformation Summit with other Coaches & Holistic Professionals who talk about their Holistic Transformational journey.